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Tuesday 3 August 2010

Beer is an alcoholic beverage and it is really tough to believe that an alcoholic beverage can have any medicinal effect. But in reality it is not so. Beer, despite its listing as an alcoholic beverage contains lots of medicinal benefits if consumed in moderation. Although it may evoke frowning from some readers, but moderate consumption of beer may prove really worth as a natural preventive for lot many diseases.

Some of the medicinal benefits of beer are :

  • Beer is strong natural antidote for cancer related diseases; Xanthohumol used in beer brewing has been recognized as one of the active player in prevention of cancer chemoprevention.

  • Moderate consumption of beer has thinning effect on blood and this is why it prevents blood clotting, which is great natural preventive of coronary heart attack due to blockage in coronary arteries. Moderate consumption of beer has another effect; it reduces the risk of inflammation of arteries and prevents induction of atherosclerosis.

  • Moderate consumption of beer helps natural prevention for dementia and as it promotes formation of good cholesterol in body by 15-20%, it reduces the risk of dementia and coronary diseases. It also prevents formation of gallstone.

  • Consumption of beer helps in smooth digestion as it stimulates secretion of gastric acid, gastrin, pancreatic enzymes, and cholecystokinin etc.

  • Beer improves the potency of vitamin E in body and promotes the natural maintenance of healthy skin; it alleviates the aging process. Extensive research has proven that moderate beer consumption is good for natural control of diabetes part-2 type.

  • Those who consume beer regularly in moderate amount, hardly suffer from anemia because of vitamin B12 and folic acid content of this beverage. At the same time those who consume beer in moderate quantity, suffer less from the problem of hypertension in comparison to other people habituated to drink other alcoholic beverages.

  • Beer is a natural source of soluble fiber thus promotes natural cleansing of body. This beverage also acts as diuretic and thus increases urge of urination on consumption. However, due to frequent urination, beer promotes natural cleansing of body.
Cheersssssss...... Guys.......


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